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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fall is Coming!

I can feel it in the air now,summer is definitely on its way out! Fall is Coming my favorite season of the year(next to summer :) )! But truly I love the autumn season,being able to transform my home into a warm,candlelit,comforting place to come into-to get out of the dreary,rainy,cold weather.Here are a few of the things I love about the season, leaves changing,cider and applesauce making ( is there really anything better then fresh warm  applesauce right out of the strainer),the smell of spice in my kitchen as I bake with all the apples and pumpkins! And to know the holidays are coming!!!
 I will have to admit tho that these past couple of days with the weather changing it makes me long to go home for a visit to my family and just sit at moms table and chat with her,and to go on a drive with dad and talk about anything and everything, to bake cookies with my sisters and to hang out with my brothers and get them to eat things they usually wouldn't eat alot of just because I'm their older sister.So to keep my mind off of that (which is impossible) I'm going to be trying to do some different crafty decor things for my house this fall and winter season instead of baking all the time (being it IS NOT good for my waist line:) so here is what I've been up to the last two days.
My 1st project was a wreath for my door, because I needed something for this little in between season before I actually get all my fall decor out,so I needed something that still said summer,but had a fall is coming look to it so I decided to go with the this
Oh and the simplicity of a bouquet of flowers from my Garden and Flower beds!
Blessings to all of you!

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